14. The following table structure contains many unsatisfactory components and characteristics.  (For example, there are several multivalued attributes, some naming conventions are violated, some attributes are not atomic, and so on.) 


Attribute name                       Sample value


EMP_CODE                          1003

LAST_NAME                        Willaker

EDUCATION                        HS, BBA, MBA

DEPT_CODE                         MKTG

DEPARTMENT                    Marketing

DEPT_MANAGER               Jill H. Martin

JOB_CLASS                          23

TITLE                                     Sales agent

DEPENDENTS                      Gerald (spouse), Mary (daughter), John (son)

BIRTH_DATE                       12/23/65

HIRE_DATE                         10/14/94

TRAINING                            Level 1, level 2

BASE_SALARY                    $32,255


Given this structure, draw its dependency diagram. Label all transitive and/or partial dependencies.


Figure P5.14  The Dependency Diagram for Problem 14